How Lucky We Are To Be Alive Right Now

The title of this post comes from the hit Lin-Manuel Miranda musical Hamilton, in which the “The Schuyler Sisters” sing a love song to New York. It was a time of Revolution and uncertainty, but also a time of great possibility.

We are the lucky ones, my friend.


In the midst of worldwide pandemic, astronomical financial loss and social distancing, am I really calling us lucky?

Yes, little leprechaun, I am.

Like a four-leaf clover, we are gifted four-fold.

  1. We are here. Every day is a blessing.

  2. The impossible just became possible. We’ve been gifted with more of our most precious, non-renewable resource - time. Time to reset, renew, restore, relax, regroup.

  3. We have the rare chance to begin again. The world is full of possibility.

  4. We are creatives. By our very nature, we bring newness into existence. We are well equipped.

My favorite definition of luck is attributed to the Roman philosopher Seneca:

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

Now is our golden opportunity to prepare for the future. It’s time to create our own luck so that, when opportunity comes, we are ready. A better tomorrow is on the horizon.

While we are physically apart, we need each other more than ever. We cannot make our own luck alone.

Opportunity is a two-way street, so cultivate, care for and build community by investing time, offering gifts, affirming and serving. (These are the four of Gary Chapman’s love languages available to us right now - the fifth one being physical touch.)

Today might feel like a rainstorm, but after the rain comes a rainbow. And somewhere over the rainbow, “the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.”

So go forth with faith over fear. A pot of gold awaits you on the other side.