My Annual and January 2020 Goals

Recently, I shared my words of the year - rhythm and rest.

In addition to choosing these words, I also write out my intentions every year.

Usually, I call them goals. To be accurate, however, they really are intentions. Goals need to be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound), which means that they need to be something you can check off on a list and have a deadline attached.

Once my intentions are clear, though, it becomes so much easier to set goals for the quarter, month, week and day.

Here’s what I’m prioritizing at the beginning of this new decade:

2020 Intentions

  • Prioritize my health - This past year was rough - nothing life-threatening, thank goodness, but challenging nonetheless. My body is crying out for some TLC, so health needs to be my number one focus this year.

  • Curate my family legacy - I received a 23andMe kit for Christmas, and I’m so excited to see the results. I also started gathering some favorite family recipes. My goal is to make a recipe book by the end of the year, as well as a detailed family tree. We have a lot of elderly people in our family, and I would love to honor their lives and our precious time with them through photos, videos and stories.

  • Cultivate my relationships - Be the invitation, take the lead, reach out, extend kindness

  • Share my heart - Be open and vulnerable in my singing, writing and speaking (this one goes along with my guiding action in my last post)

  • Choose action - Goodbye perfectionism, analysis paralysis, indecision and decision fatigue

  • Nourish my audience - How can I be visible in my community through generosity? How can I offer more value to those who follow my work?

  • Put pep in my rep - It’s time to freshen up my materials, take new risks and bring my A-game!

  • Conquer my calendar - AKA time management

  • Use it or lose it - If something isn’t being used in this season of life, it qualifies as physical or mental clutter and needs to go.

For my monthly goals, I love using the PowerSheets method. I’ve purchased PowerSheets multiple times and love using the journal, but also you easily can follow this template on your own. Each month, I think of monthy, weekly and daily goals. The daily goals are usually habits that I want to cultivate.

January Goals


  • complete all of my school grading (Check - done!)

  • prepare for spring semester

  • update my marketing materials

  • book my London flight (Complete - I’m leavin’ on a jet plane this Spring!)

  • release a new offering (I already did this! Have you heard about Mini-Lessons?)


  • Meal plan, order groceries and meal prep

  • Clean my apartment and do my laundry

  • update my audition calendar


  • practice

  • get at least 8 hours of sleep

  • drink at least 96 oz. of water

  • write for 45 minutes

  • track my mood

Do you set intentions or goals? Share what you’re focusing on in the comments!